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top 5 cmd hacking tricks


  command prompt is the our computer  most important things and you exapmle for our computer hearta commadn prompt is the one of the most software and this way to hacker hack your computer 

and the window powershell is the one fothe most important software that secure your 



top 5 command on command prompt 


ip config is the one of the most command show our computer data this command is enter in our command prompt and your computeris automatically load your co,puteer ip sadress and all versions 


system info is the one of the most command that see our your computer data adn your computer versiona dnyourc omputer bluetooth versiona dnwifi ethernet ipv4 and ipv6 information that you work in cmd and you experience like a hacker


ping is the one fothe most command this command show our webiste ip adresss 

you type this code on ypur commadn rpompt is command prompt name is 

code = ping www.google .com 

and this commadn you work on your cmd and cmd show on this web page ip adress

4=you go on command promopt sign and righth click and go properties and go on dfont and layout and colour and you go on colour and youc chnage and make a warnig and make your freind eyes a hacker


tracert is the one of the most hacking trick that show you computer tracert and you get more information

you contact us from this gmaill adress= vokalearn@gmail.com 

and next post coming soon


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